Do You Know Why RAD Is Right for Mobile and Web Front-End Development?
Geplaatst op: 19 juli 2016 • Jacob Beeuwkes • Nieuws

Enterprise IT teams are faced with a predicament. They’ve been challenged to create beautiful, highly-functional applications for front-end use, and they’re on a very tight timeline. The customer journey has changed – it’s turned digital and it’s faster than ever. Customers are demanding that enterprises keep up. How can IT be expected to deliver?

This article covers where the front-end development is at today, and what is expected of enterprise IT. Beyond demonstrating the need for upgrading legacy stacks and strategy to something more agile and flexible to meet the dramatically transformed customer journey, this piece uncovers:

  • How IT must deliver the ‘holy grail’ of requirements for front-end apps
  • The challenges in adopting an open-source stack
  • The definition of Rapid Application Development (and Delivery)
  • A method to creating beautiful, functional apps in an agile manner with RAD

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