Transfer Solutions is Gold Sponsor op APEX World 2016
Deze 7e editie is een tweedaags event met vele bekende sprekers uit binnen en -buitenland. Vanzelfsprekend is Transfer Solutions prominent aanwezig. Zo presenteren we samen met Vopak Agencies 7 maart:
The max out of APEX – lessons from a large APEX project
Jacob Beeuwkes Transfer Solutions
Wesley Lems Vopak Agencies
Vopak Agencies (VA) is part of the Royal Vopak Group and is a maritime agency that offers logistic services to many international shipping companies from several offices in Europe. VA currently handles 7500 port calls annually. In the past, the operational and financial administration were done in a Lotus Notes/Domino application. The new APEX application greatly improves efficiency and promotes innovation within the company.
In this presentation Transfer Solutions and VAwill show a beautifully designed APEX application, built in an agile approach. With 170 tables, 450 packages, 8000 hours of development it can be called a large APEX application. Some features: Google authentication, Google mail integration, Jasper Reports, RESTful services, scrolling classic reports, re-use of pages in iframes, a complex auto-refreshing Gantt timeline and many more.
In this presentation we stress the ability of APEX to build enterprise level applications. We will present our lessons from the project and we will show you how you can get the max out of APEX!
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3 februari 2025 • Transfer Solutions