The Security Boot Camp focuses on the fundamental knowledge related to reactive Web security fundamentals, Mobile security fundamentals, authentication, access control, secure connection, handling sensitive data and other OWASP vulnerabilities, and some recommendations/built-in protections OutSystems offers. Based on their practical experience, our OutSystems security specialists have created a list of topics that will be covered
De crisis als gevolg van de COVID-19-uitbraak heeft de druk op de IT-systemen van organisaties nóg verder opgevoerd. Dat geldt ook voor de technische specialisten die ervoor moeten zorgen dat deze systemen bruikbaar en up-to-date blijven. Patching is en blijft in dat kader essentieel, maar hardening zou weleens op meerdere vlakken een uitkomst kunnen bieden.
Transfer Solutions Boosts Application and Database Performance and Security through Rapid Customer Implementation of Oracle Technology Transfer Solutions, founded in 1994 by former Oracle employees in the Netherlands, is an Oracle Gold Partner. The company helps clients achieve business goals by building and managing custom applications, hosting them 24/7, and providing training. Transfer Solutions has